Friday, November 26, 2010


The only picture I had of my cousin Orietta before we met, she was 1 year old!!
My whole family in Napoli, (left to right) Zia Ellea,Zia Conjutina, ( in back cousins Alessia and Federica), me, Anna Marie, Orietta, Guiliana, Zia Gina

Great Zia's  Ellea, Conjutina and Gina!!
Well, it finally happened.  I have been wanting to meet my 3 Great Aunts for years now, Zia Conjutina, Zia Ellea, and Zia Gina.  My cousin Orietta planned the reunion from Rome and we met at their house in Napoli.  My cousin Carla and Anna Marie( who lives with the Aunts), and Giuliana all came.Giuliana's beautiful daughters, Alessia and Federica also attended. It was Anna Maries Birthday so all of us young ones were all going to go out and celebrate later! Zia Ellea made a special dessert.

I had brought some very old pictures I found in a box I kept of my grandfather Joseph Cerreta. Conjutina went over and over every picture naming everyone so I would never forget. I intuitavily picked out each picture and they were all relatives.  I even found an obscure one of Orietta's father who is deceased and she had never seen it, what a treasure!!

We had a wonderful visit and everyone except the Aunts went out to a fabulous restuarant called D'Angelo that had incredible views of the sea.  Carla's husband Francesco and their son Saldo met us there.Food was served 'La Familia' style and I ate the very best riccota cheese and buffalo mozzerella cheese I probably will ever have. The food never stopped coming and I almost wanted to excuse myself and eat Roman style so that I could fit everything in.  There were at least 10 courses.  I felt bad for the waste, which there was. But the company of my new family was well worth it, how wonderful.  La Familia!!!!!

I plan to keep in touch now and truly feel conected and like I already have know everybody for my whole life.  Although many just spoke Italian, we were able to communicate without  the need of much translation!


Conjutina nad Anna Marie

My favorite picture although it is too light with my great Aunts!!!

The Aunts waving goodbye from their balcony while Orietta takes a picture of them     
Francesco ( Carla's husband). Giuliana and Alessia

Mi Familia at dinner, Orietta and Carla

COMMUNITY IN NAPOLI                       *****   ( NOTHING LIKE LA FAMILIA!!!!)

FOOD WASTE REDUCTION   *** ( Although served family style, there were too many courses and we wasted some food)

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