Today I found an apartment. Not just any apartment, but one that I am sure to remember for a long time!
I have been looking for days. Joseph Mallari, the best realtor in Rome had been searching for days. It was really hard. He is such a great and caring person he even referred me to another agency because he could not find anything for me.( October is very difficult if you have not booked ahead!) While I was with the other agency I looked at two places by the same landlord,
Today in an entirely different part of Rome who should pull up to meet Joseph and I but the same landlord!! This is unbelievable! It was so funny, Joseph could not believe that we knew each other! And Emanuele could not believe I was still without an apartment!
So I have a funny story with a great ending of two new friends helping me find my Rome apartment.
If you are of need of an apartment in Rome, please contact Joseph Mallari he is the best!! His email is yuccaapartments@gmail.com. Joseph is also a history buff and can tell you fascinating local historical details as you look for an apartment! His website is www.yuccaapartments.jimdo.com
COMMUNITY IN ROME * * * * * due to Joseph and Emanuele
( based on a * - * * * * * star rating system
Yes! Can't wait to visit you and see your apartment! Sounds like Rome is awesome!