Sunday, July 3, 2011


I am happy to be back home in Santa Fe. Currently I am consulting Chris and Reingard Kolon as they get close to opening Community Table Cafe in Santa Fe at the Design Center.

It is another twist on the growing number of community cafes.  Community Table Cafe is a for profit business with a priced menu, which includes one 'pay what you can' plate at lunch daily. People can also volunteer to earn a meal voucher. 
I feel the Santa Fe community will respond to their good vegetarian food along with their great concept!  Chris and Reingard are both fabulous cooks with years of experience!!

Chris, Reingard and their beautiful daughter Zoe passing out fliers at the Santa Fe  Farmers Market this Saturday

A picture I took at sunset, notice the smoke rising on the left from the Los Alamos fire and another on the far right 
July 15th is the opening party from 5-7pm at Community Table Cafe located in the Design Center on Cerrillos Road


Once again I found myself in New Orleans with the group planning to open Welcome Home Cafe!! It was actually Jyaphia's 50th birthday party so I decided to visit and mix a little business with pleasure.

Things are steadily improving at the Unitarian Church and the Center for Ethical Living as New Orleans rebuilds itself.  We spent time creating a time line for a business plan and pilot project. 

Quo Vadis and Jyaphia at her birthday lunch the day I arrived.

A view of Jyaphia's big birthday bash. Her Aunt and Uncle came all the way from Scottsdale, AZ!!
We also enjoyed meeting and talking about the future cafe at Jyaphia's birthday party at the church.  Jyaphia is truly blessed to have so many people around who love and care about her.