Sunday, May 29, 2011


It was wonderful to arrive in Atlanta and be met by such fine gentlemen from Marietta, GA that want to be part of the food security solution in their community.  This particular group has a wide variety of skill sets that together make a great team!!  We had 3 meetings and toured one potential location for their restaurant. I originally thought that the space we looked at was too large, but after sleeping on it feel that this group, with their skilled restaurant component and connection to their community could handle it.  I especially liked their unique pricing structure: a fixed price menu and a daily 'price your own/or complimentary menu( based on need) that is driven by a mix of their profits, extra donations or corporate/business sponsorship.  This team is really on the ball and I think will continue to move their project forward!!!  I look forward to staying in the loop and helping out if I can.
The Marietta, GA Community Cafe Team:( from left around the table) Brian, Andrew, David, Dan, Forrest, Tyler and me

Friday, May 20, 2011

Community in Manhattan

Leslie, the mysterious and brilliant astrologer

Photo of Abdi's book
I went with my friend to her acupuncture treatment with Abdi Assadi, a well known healer in Manhattan.  As soon as you walk into his reception area, you can feel peace.  As I was waiting for my friend I made a wonderful connection with his receptionist, Leslie who is a historical astrologer.  She is a wealth of knowledge and I felt like I also received a treatment just by accompanying my friend that day!!

Abdi Assadi has written a book called Shadows On The Path, which I think you would enjoy if you are seeking inner peace and awakening.


Hi there,
I am currently in Manhattan.  Yesterday I had lunch with documentary film maker Alice Elliot.  It was good to catch up and discuss future projects!!

Saturday there will be a street fair on Bedford and I will get to see Larry Seldman, 'The Collector of Bedford Street' again.  If you have not seen Alice's Academy Award nominated film it is well worth watching.  You will be inspired!

Documentary film maker, Alice Elliot

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Bob, one of the founders of Common Table right after receiving their outdoor seating permit!!!!

Common Table's own currency for meals!!!!!
Inside Common Table

I am visiting Common Table in Bend, Oregon.  They are a new community cafe and I will be here for a week consulting.  It is a very nice set up with all of the usual attributes plus a pub type atmosphere!!  I am very impressed with the community here and hope many of you will stop by if you are ever in Bend!!